Friday 31 August 2012

Kayne West "Homecoming" Music Video Analysis

The setting of New York shows power as it is wealthly, big etc.

The piano playing in the scene is a contrast as you wouldnt expect it in a hip hop genre.

Low angle shot showing power as the audience looks up to Kayne West linking in with New York city.

Old school, black and white (gradiant) video effect links with the classical piano tune playing as well.

Camera focused on Kayne West, centre of attention.

Hes then focused around everyone, from being the most important person hes then like everybody else.

Wearing black clothing to go with the black and white gradient effect.

Poverty, "Homecoming", going back to his roots.

Hand gestures, coventional to hip hop as you would expect it in most of these genre music videos, also the slow motion walking and clothing contraputes to this.

Balaclatha shows that he is hidding his identify

Kayne West perphaps narrating through the music video to tell or show a story to the audience.

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