Tuesday 17 July 2012

Aphrodite Kylie Minogue Album Cover

I felt that it was important to look at the front of the album cover as audiences will be attracted to the design of it as well as the fact that it gives impressions to the artist image and the type of music involved within it.

In the this album cover Kylie is positioned in the center of the picture, this is used to make the audience focus and concentrated at Kylie herself to show that this is her record.

Blue portrays the feeling of pure as it reflects the colour of water showing perphaps how superior Kylie is portrayed to be seen and/or reflecting the type of music that is contained in the album through the cover as pop music aims for younger audiences so she will have to portray a positive image.

Power and dominance over others, position of the camera shows this and the way she is portrayed to act as holding her arms implying people to bow and worship her, most important person in the world.

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