Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Audience Theory

Audience Theory looks into the construct of an audience, what they intake and how media groups can target them.

Active and passive audiences are centered around the involvement in a product.

Active audiences are selective in the involvement they have in a product for example they like they watch most thriller films when being released also then buying the DVD or even go so far to pre-order it to ensure they have it. As well as perhaps liking certain thriller films Facebook pages to get updates and adding videos or clips of the related product to their favorites on YouTube so they can watch it regularly on their account not to mention commenting their opinions etc.

- Will be more dedicated to the band?

Passive audiences are more relaxed about the involvement in a product they watch or listen. For example they may have a range of interests around the media genre meaning rock, pop, dub step etc however they may be less knowledgeable about each of bands in all of the genres such as concert dates, album releases, new songs etc.

- There are more people like this?

Modern audiences

For these type of audiences I looked into the use of resources that most people have at their disposal recently:

- Influenced by new technology such as YouTube, Facebook and iTunes recommendations through Web 2.0.

- More active because of the new use of technology, as people in the 60's and 80's for example would have to get updates from magazines, radio, television etc.

Older audiences

When doing my interviews asking people in the 1960's to 1980s frame of time on how they received information around their preferred industry I could see that the methods would have be a lot different, here are some of the questions I asked to these types of people:

Candidate 1: Judy Tickle, female, aged 48

1. What type of music were you interested in during the time period of the 1960's to 1980's?
Pop and Soul music

2. Did you link yourself with the culture of music you listened too for example through clothes, appearance etc?

3. How did you make chose's in what media products you watched/listened too?
Radio stations and TV through "Top of the pops"

4.How did you get hold of these media products to watch and listen too?
Tapes and records

Candidate 2: Kevin Tickle, male, aged 44

1. What type music were you interested in during the time period of the 1960's to 1980's?
New romantic and disco

2. Did you link yourself with the culture of music you listened too for example through clothes, appearance etc?

3. How did you make chose's in what media products you watched/listened too?
Magazines and TV through "Top of the pops"

4.How did you get hold of these media products to watch and listen too?

Denis Mcquail

- Theory of audience analyses
- Looks at the history of the changes and effects

As you can see I have consider all of the points that Denis Mcquail has stated above.

It is important to know what types of audience we will be targeting when we start researching into what audience members will be watching our music video such as old or young and how we are going to meet them in order for them to notice our music video. We will find out when overlooking our result graphs from survey monkey and the statistics on youtube that will show the type of people that are apart of the genre.

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