Wednesday 12 September 2012

Todorov's Narrative Theory

Tzvetan Todorov is a philosopher who came up with a suggestion of how narrative is used overall in films, music etc. He came up with five different stages that could be portrayed in medias, here they are:

A state of equilibrium at the outset, everything starts out normally.

A disruption of the equilibrium by some action, the normal balance of things is affected  by a problem.

A recognition that there has been a disruption, things start to sink in about the problem.

An attempt to repair the disruption, trying to solve the problem.

A restatement of the equilibrium, the problem is solved everything goes back to normal.

This will help us to consider planning out the structure of own music video in order to have a purpose and meaning towards it as well as creating a storyline so that audiences can follow and relate to the music video.

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