Friday 28 September 2012

Firths theory

In 1988 Firth suggested that music videos could be characterized by three broad typologies, here they are below:


Performances can be used in a music video to display a sense of feeling of a concert experience and atmosphere making the video more interesting and engaging as it gives the impression of being live as well as showing how the artist acts and behaves to portray their image.


Narrative presents connected events within a music video this is basically telling a story for example it is commonly used through love. The video is a progression or journey through the use of relating in some way or another with the visuals and lyrics/song. These videos have different types of these themes that could perhaps address some of the audiences watching in order to relate and have more of an impact on the user.

Conceptual -

Conceptual music videos create moods and different interpretations to a story or meaning being more indirect, this also includes having different meanings to the relation of the song and visuals a sense of mystery to what is going on perhaps

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